邓小平反腐败思想有着鲜明的辩证法特色。强调要正确处理好经济建设与反腐败工作的关系 ,一手抓改革、一手抓惩治腐败 ,充分体现了正确认识和处理社会根本矛盾与非根本矛盾、主要矛盾和非主要矛盾的辩证法思想 ;提出反腐败是一项长期性、经常性、系统性的工作 ,要在党的领导下依靠广大人民群众坚持不懈地进行 ,充分体现了辩证法的适度性、系统性、连续性与间断性相统一的原理 ,形成了一套比较完备。
The distinctive dialectics characteristic of Deng Xiao-ping's idea on fighting against corruption stresses the correct handling of the relationship between the economic construction and the fighting against corruption, which fully shows the correct dealing with the principal contradiction and non-principal contradiction, which points out the fighting against corruption is a long-time important task under the guidance of the CPC,and we should rely on the masses with persistent efforts.
Guihai Tribune