
螺旋藻类保健食品生产原料及产品中微囊藻毒素污染现状调查 被引量:34

Investigation of concentration of microcystin in raw materials and finished products of spires health food
摘要 为了观察微囊藻毒素对螺旋藻类保健食品的污染状况 ,于 2 0 0 2年 7~ 8月份对江苏、云南、福建和广东我国主要螺旋藻生产基地的 33份水源水、1 60份养殖用水、86份螺旋藻浆、70份螺旋藻原料粉进行了微囊藻毒素的测定 ,同时随机采集了上述四省的 1 9种 71份市售螺旋藻产品 ,用ELISA法对样品的微囊藻毒素进行测定。结果提示 :水源水中的 1 2份自来水样中均未检测出微囊藻毒素 ,9份地下水样中有 6份、1 2份地表水样中有 8份检测出不同污染水平的微囊藻毒素 ;1 60份螺旋藻养殖场池水和 86份螺旋藻浆中的微囊藻毒素平均污染水平分别是 2 0 7 9pg ml和 31 9ng g ,两者相差 1 53倍 ;70份螺旋藻原料粉中的微囊藻毒素平均污染水平是 2 0 6 4ng g;1 9种 71份市售螺旋藻产品中总微囊藻毒素污染水平平均为 31 7 2ng g,其中主要剂型是片剂和胶囊 ,片剂和胶囊中的微囊藻毒素污染平均水平分别为 1 4 2 7ng g和 2 2 2 6ng g。提示螺旋藻生产过程和市售产品中均有不同程度的微囊藻毒素污染 ,通过服用螺旋藻而摄入的微囊藻毒素对人类健康的影响不可忽视 ,有必要进行深入研究 。 In order to investigate the concentration of micromystin in raw materials and finished products of spires health food, we collected 33 water samples from water resources, 160 water samples from culturing pool, 86 samples of Spires slurry and 70 samples of powders of Spires raw materials from 7 Spires manufacturers in Jiangsu, Yunnan, Fujian and Guandong provinces which are the main spires producing areas from July to August 2002 At the same time, we also collected 71 samples of 19 finished products of Spires health foods in markets of above mentioned 4 provinces. Microcystin were tested for all samples by ELISA. The results show: microcystin were not detected in 12 tap water samples, were detected in 6 of 9 under water samples, 8 of 12 surface water samples; microcystin concentration of water samples from culturing pool was 207 9pg/ml and Spires slurry was 31 9ng/g, the former is 153 times as the latter; powder of Spires raw material was 206 4ng/g. The average concentration of microcystin of all Spires health food samples from market was 317 2ng/g, there into, microcystin was 142 7ng/g in a tables and 222 6ng/g in capsule,respectively. The results suggested: we shouldn't ignore the risk of exposuring microcystin when consuming Spires health food, it is necessary to further study and set a standard of limited microcystin in Spires health food.
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期339-343,共5页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 国家科技攻关项目 (No.2 0 0 1BA80 4A06)
关键词 螺旋藻 微囊藻 保健食品 酶联免疫吸附试验 spires, microcystin, pollution, health food
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