
颞叶癫痫的外科治疗及预示疗效的相关因素(143例回顾性分析) 被引量:4

Temporal lobe epilepsy surgery and preoperative factors predictive of postoperative outcome:retrospective analysis of 143 cases
摘要 目的探讨偶极子定位下颞叶癫痫手术后的长期效果,并分析某些术前因素以预示可能的术后疗效。方法接受偶极子定位下颞叶癫痫手术并得到有效随访1年以上病人143例。从预示术后疗效角度,对其临床、电生理、神经影像和外科手术等因素进行回顾性分析。结果术后平均随访期27.5月。术后癫痫发作完全消失或仅有先兆101例,极少发作(≤3次/年)20例,手术效果满意率84.6%;发作明显改善(减少≥75%)15例,无明显改善(减少<75%)7例,手术效果不满意率15.4%。下列术前因素可能预示术后癫痫的良好控制:早期(5周岁之前)出现癫痫发作,发作频率低(≤20次/月),复杂部分性发作呈主要形式,MR示存在单侧结构性异常,无皮质发育不良,偶极子分析示局限性致痫灶,以及病理灶与致痫灶相一致。结论偶极子定位下颞叶癫痫手术可获得满意效果,而有关临床和诊断的某些术前因素可能预示术后满意疗效。 Objective To evaluate the long-term outcome of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) surgery with dipole localization and to analyze the preoperative factors predicting a satisfactory postoperative outcome of the patients. Methods A total of 143 pa-tients, who underwent TLE surgery with dipole localization combined with magnetic resonance imaging between 1999 and 2001 and were followed up for at least 1 year, were enrolled in this retrospective analysis of clinical, electrophysiological, neu-roimaging and surgical factors to determine the independent predictors for the clinical outcome of the patients. Results During the follow-up with a mean duration of 27.5 months, 70.6% (101) of the patients were found to be completely seizure- free or with only aura (Class I), and 14.0% (20) had only rare seizures (Class II, fewer than three seizures per year), which resulted in satisfactory seizure control in 84.6% of the cases. In addition, obvious improvement was achieved in 10.5% (15) of the cases (Class III, at least an 75% seizure reduction), while 4.9% (n=7) failed to respond to the surgical treatment (Class III, less than 75% seizure reduction), showing a rate of unsatisfactory seizure control of 15.4%. The preoperative factors contributing to the prediction of good seizure control (P<0.05) included early onset of epilepsy (before the age of five years), presence of complex partial seizure as a predominant seizure type, low seizure frequency, unilateral structural abnormality detectable on magnetic resonance images, absence of cortical dysplasia, restrained epileptic activity as detected by dipole localization, and agreement of pathological findings of the lesion with epileptogenic focus. Conclusion The surgical treatment with the help of dipole lo-calization results in satisfactory clinical outcome of the patients, and some preoperative factors in relation to the clinical find-ings and diagnosis may predict excellent postoperative outcome.
出处 《第一军医大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期663-667,共5页 Journal of First Military Medical University
基金 军队十五重大临床技术项目(2002卫医字18号-15)~~
关键词 颞叶癫痫 外科治疗 预示 疗效 相关因素 磁共振成像 epilepsy, temporal lobe/surgery dipole localization method magnetic resonance imaging factor analysis, statisti-cal
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