目的 探讨MSCT导向下经皮肺穿刺活检肺外周孤立病灶的性质及对诊断的应用价值。方法 经MSCT检查肺外周孤立性病灶 5 6例 ,穿刺取到理想标本 86块 ,均做组织学及细胞学检查 ,病灶直径 1 2~ 5 3cm。结果 5 6例中恶性 34例 ,良性 17例 ,不能定性 5例 ,并发气胸 3例。结论 MSCT引导下经皮肺穿刺活检对肺外周孤立性病灶的定性准确 ,并发症少 ,对确定病灶的临床诊断及指导治疗具有重要价值。
Objective:To evaluate the value of MSCT guided needling biopsy in the diagnosis of poriph eral solitary pulmonary lesions.Methods:56 peripheral solitray pulmonary lesions were selected,and 86 ideal samples were got,then cgtologial and histological diagnosis were performed.Results:34 cases were malignant,17 were benign,5 did not have sufficient cells for diagnosis.Conclusion:MSCT guided needling biopsy can play a significant eole in the clinical dingnosis of peripheral solitary pulmonary lesions,it is accurate in qualitative analysis,and has less complication.
Harbin Medical Journal