Aim To investigate t h e possible roles of age,body height,mass and body mass index(BMI )in Lumbar 1-4 bone mineral content (L 1-4 BMC),L 1-4 areal bone mineral density(L 1-4 4BMD)and L 1-4 volumetric bone mineral apparent density(L 1-4 BMAD)of Chinese adoles-cents with early ankylosing spondylitis(AS).Meth ods Thirty-one male Chinese adolescent outpatients with early AS were included .Age(y),total body mass(kg),height (cm)and body mass index(BMI,kg /m 2 )of subjects were obtained.L 1-4 4BMC(g)and L 1-4 BMD(g /cm 2 )were e-valuated by using DEXA,and L 1-4 BMAD(L 1-4 4BMC /Area 3/2 ,g /cm 3 )was subsequently calculated.Corre lation and multiple regression analyses were performed.Results Multiple regression revealed that h eight (P=0.00 0)and BMI (P=0.009)were significantly positively rela ted to L 1-4 4BMC(R=0.759,Radj 2 =0.545,P=0.000<0.01),and height played the pivotal role s in signific ant correlation with L 1-4 4BMC(R=0.676Radj 2 =0.439,P=0.000).Body mass significantly positivel y correlate d with both L 1-4 4BMD(R=0.657,Radj 2 =0.412,P=0.000)and L 1-4 BMAD(R=0.551,Radj 2 =0.280,P=0.001).Therefore,height as well as BMI significantl y p ositively correlated with L 1-4 4BMC and mass was definitely associated with both L 1-4 BMD and L 1-4 BMAD in ado-lescents with early AS in this study.Conclusion Height and mas s could have significantly positive effects on axial bone mass and densities of adolescents with early AS.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation