探讨大鼠Ⅰ型胶原及牛血清白蛋白的糖基化终产物对大鼠血管平滑肌细胞增殖的影响。用贴块法培养SD大鼠主动脉平滑肌细胞至 3~ 4代 ,分别用体外合成的大鼠Ⅰ型胶原糖基化终产物和牛血清白蛋白糖基化终产物刺激 ,并以大鼠Ⅰ型胶原和牛血清白蛋白处理的细胞作为对照 ,与此同时加入大鼠抗血管内皮生长因子抗体 ,采用氚标胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷掺入法测定细胞增殖情况。结果发现 ,大鼠Ⅰ型胶原糖基化终产物能够显著地促进主动脉平滑肌细胞增殖 ,抗血管内皮生长因子抗体则能有效地抑制上述作用 ;牛血清白蛋白糖基化终产物对血管平滑肌细胞的增殖有明显的抑制作用 ,加入抗血管内皮生长因子抗体后未见明显影响。结果提示 ,不同蛋白的糖基化终产物对血管平滑肌细胞增殖的影响不同 。
Aim To investigate the effects of advanced glycation end product (AGE) on the proliferative activity of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) of rats. Methods In this study, Type Ⅰ Collagen AGE and Bovine serum albumin AGE was prepared in vitro. Cultured VSMC were obtained from rat abdominal aorta and used between passage 3 and 4, then stimulated with AGE. The control groups were stimulated with Type Ⅰ Collagen and bovine serum albumin. At the same time, anti vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibody was added in cells. 3H TdR incorporation into cultured cells was used as a parameter for cell proliferation. Results Type Ⅰ Collagen AGE caused the increase in 3 H TdR incorporation of cells compared with Type Ⅰ Collagen, which was abrogated by anti VEGF antibody. But bovine serum albumin AGE reduced the proliferation of cells, and anti VEGF antibody didn't affect cell proliferation. Conclusion The effects of Type Ⅰ Collagen AGE and bovine serum albumin AGE to the proliferation of VSMC and secretion of VEGF on VSMC are different.
Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis