目的 :评价高分辨 MRI技术定量测量颈动脉粥样硬化血管壁面积的可重复性。 方法 :2 4例无症状颈动脉粥样硬化患者 (男 18例 ,女 6例 ,平均 6 8岁 ) ,至少一侧颈内动脉 (多普勒超声检查 )诊断为 5 0 %~ 79%狭窄。 2周内进行 2次高分辨MRI (1.5 T)检查。双侧颈动脉各选择 3层 (颈动脉分叉层面、分叉上和下各 4 mm距离层面 )测量管腔、血管壁外界和血管壁的面积。采用双盲法 ,由 2名放射科医师进行测量。 2次扫描间和 2名测量者之间的差异用成对 t检验评价。结果 :大部分患者的图像质量良好 ,可用于测量。颈动脉管腔、血管壁外界和管壁的面积测量在 2次扫描之间和 2名测量者之间均无明显差异。 结论 :颈动脉高分辨 MRI的血管壁面积测量重复性好 。
Objective: To assess the reproducibility of high resolution MR imaging(MRI) in measuring the vascular wall area in atherosclerotic carotid artery. Methods: Twenty four subjects (male 18, female 6, aged 60 78 years) with 50% 79% stenosis (confirmed by Doppler ultrasound) were recruited for the study. Two independent MRI examination were conducted within 2 weeks using high resolution imaging on a 1.5 T scanner (Signa, GE Medical Systems). Three slices were selected (4 mm distal to the bifurcation, just under the bifurcation and 4 mm proximal to the bifurcation) from the bilateral carotid artery to measure the luminal, outer wall boundary and wall area. The above process was done by 2 observers blinded to each other's results. The Interscan and Interobserver variations were assessed by paired Student's t test. Results: There was no significant difference in lumen, outer wall boundary and wall area measurement for both Interscan and Interobserver comparison. Conclusion: High resolution MRI of the human carotid artery in measuring the vessel lumen and wall areas has high reproducibility. MRI can also be used to monitor the progression of atherosclerotic plaque of carotid artery.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University
NIH国际合作项目 ( NIH R0 1HL 5 6874)