目的 使基层军官树立正确健康观,改善生活及行为方式,恢复并促进健康。方法 通过问卷调查,了解基层军官对健康教育的需求,实施适宜、有效的健康教育方法。结果 4年来,基层军官疗养基地的健康教育覆盖率为99.7%,健康教育知晓率为93.8%。结论 疗养员接受正确的健康观及相关观点,掌握基本健康保健常识,具有纠正不良生活习惯的积极愿望,达到短期疗养、终生受益的预期目的,为保障基层军官的身体健康打下基础。
Objective To help basic military officers set up correct health perspectives, improve their life style and behavior, and promote their health during their stay in health resorts. Methods Based on a questionnaire, the demands of basic military officers on health education were analyzed and appropriate measures were taken practically. Results The coverage of health education was as high as 99.7% in the past four years, 93.8% of the clients knew the presence of health education. Conclusion The clients established correct perspectives about health, grasped the basic health caring knowledge and had active desires for correcting bad life habits, from which they benefited much during their stay in the health resort, and get everlasting benefits from the short-term recuperation.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army