考察了Fe、Co、Ni改性的Pd/C催化剂上葡萄糖催化氧化反应结果,利用BET、XPS研究了Co的添加及制备条件对催化剂物化性能的影响。活性评价结果表明,Co质量分数为3%的Pd Co/C催化剂显示出良好的催化性能,反应3h后,葡萄糖的转化率达92%,选择性为94%,较Pd/C催化剂的活性和选择性有显著的提高。BET、XPS表征结果表明,Co的添加及焙烧过程,改变了Pd/C催化剂的表面组成及结构,有利于Pd的还原,从而使Pd Co/C催化剂表现出良好的催化活性和选择性。
The activities of Pd/C catalysts modified by different transition metals such as Fe, Co and Ni were evaluated in a batch reactor, and Pd/C and PdCo/C catalysts were characterized by BET and XPS The results show the PdCo/C catalyst exhibits the high glucose conversion activity of 92 %, with 94 % selectivity to glucose acid, after the reaction running 3 h The BET measurement reveals that the increased distribution of the larger pore size of PdCo/C, resulting from the addition of Co and the sequent catalyst calcinations, leads to the decrease of the feedstocks transmit resistance The XPS characterization indicates that there are higher concentration and dispersion of palladium species on the surface of CoPd/C in comparison with Pd/C This suggests that the Pd species on the surface of CoPd/C catalysts can be reduced easily Thus, PdCo/C catalyst exhibits better catalytic activity for glucose catalytic oxidation than Pd/C catalyst
Natural Gas Chemical Industry
广东省自然科学基金项目(0 1 1 573 )
汕头大学工业催化学科"2 1 1工程"建设项目