Divided into six groups, normal eggs, the first candling normal eggs, the first and third candling addled eggs, the pipped eggs and the eggs hatched normally, muscovy duck's hatching eggs were hatched at the same time. In order to find out these factors' effect on the hatchability, the pore number and thickness and structure of big end, middle part and the small end, the thickness and the structure of each group were determined. The results indicated that the average pore number(52.28, 55.32, 71.60 entries·cm-2) of the first and third candling addled eggs and the pipped eggs was significantly less than that of the candling normal eggs (83.60 entries·cm-2) and that of the normallyhatched eggs (86.28 entries·cm-2). In the aspect of thickness, the third candling addled eggs' (0.401 mm) and the pipped eggs' (0.395 mm) were all significantly higher than that of the normallyhatched eggs' (0.363 mm). To reveal the structure of muscovy duck's eggshell, we observed the eggshell of the normal eggs, the pipped eggs and the normallyhatched eggs with scanning electron microscope. We found out that the eggshell of normal eggs consists of shell membrane, mammillary cone layer, palisade layer, vertical crystal layer and cuticle. The mammillary cone layer of the pipped eggs and the normallyhatched eggs is partly lost by assimilating mineral in fetation. Also it proved that the thickness of pipped eggs (0.395-0.401 mm) is significantly higher than that of the eggs hatched normally (0.363 mm). Excessive thickness is the main cause that affects the exchange of air and results in addled eggs in hatching anaphase.
Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University:Natural Science Edition