
12个省(自治区、直辖市)2001年AIDS宣传活动效果评价 被引量:13

Effect evaluation of the AIDS public education campaign in 12 Chines Provinces in 2001.
摘要 目的 了解 2 0 0 1年艾滋病 (AIDS)宣传活动在提高一般人群AIDS基本知识和改变针对HIV/AIDS患者态度方面的效果。方法  2 0 0 1年 12月 8~ 13日期间 ,在京、皖、闽、桂、鄂、湘、吉、川、晋、新、滇、粤 12个省 (自治区、直辖市 )的省会 (首府 )和随机各抽取的 1个地级市 ,采用在广场、商场或市区、火车站随机拦截行人 ,进行匿名问卷调查。结果 共收回有效调查问卷 6185份。电视、报纸是民众接触AIDS宣传的主要渠道 ,分别占 66 3 4 %、58 3 3 %。农牧渔职业AIDS知识最低。近半个月接触过AIDS知识宣传的人 ,在AIDS传播途径 ( 4 6 80 %、3 5 66% ) ,非传播途径 ( 14 45%、9 0 3 % ) ,预防方法 ( 59 0 4%、3 7 49% ) ,非预防方法 ( 56 3 2 %、42 77% )等知识的正确回答率 ,以及对HIV/AIDS患者持积极态度 ( 3 1 2 8%、18 63 % )等方面 ,均非常明显地高于未接触艾滋病宣传的人 (P <0 .0 1)。控制性别、文化程度、职业、年龄的影响后 ,接触AIDS宣传是提高AIDS知识和改善对HIV/AIDS患者态度的重要因素。结论 电视、报纸是民众接触AIDS宣传的主要渠道。AIDS宣传提高了民众的AIDS知识和积极态度。民众的AIDS知识水平仍然很低 ,尤其是对AIDS非传播途径还存在错误认识 ,需要进一步加大针对性宣传的力度 ,特? objective To evaluate effect of the 2001 AIDS public education campaig n in increasing the awareness and knowledge of and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS amo ng the general public. Methods Beijing and provincial cap ital cities and one add itional prefecture city were selected from Anhui, Fujian, Guangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Jielin, Sichuan, Shanxi, Xinjiang, Yunnan and Guangdong provinces for the national surv ey. It was carried out in December 8-13, 2001 Study subjects were randomly sel ec ted from people visiting department stores or squares and railway stations. Int erv iew was anonymous. Information collected included demographic data, AIDS knowled ge and attitudes towards people with HIV/AIDS. Univariate analysis was followed by a multivariate analysis based on a logistic model to evaluate the effectivene ss of the campaign. Results A total of 6185 valid questi onnaires were collected. Television (66 34%) and newspapers(58 33%) were the two major channels report ed by the general public for receiving AIDS message. Farmers and fishermen had lowe st knowledge. Among those who had been exposed to AIDS campaign had a higher kno wledge and positive attitudes to HIV/AIDS than those who had not been exposed in transmission routes (46.8% vs 35.66%), non-transmission routes (14 . 45% vs 9.03%), prevention methods (59.04% vs 37.49%), non-prevention methods(56 . 32% vs 42.77%) and positive attitudes (31.28% vs 18.63%) (P<0.01). After control ling age group, gender, education levels and occupation, AIDS campaign was a sin gle contributor for improved knowledge and attitudes. Conclusion Television and newspapers are major effective channels for general public's exposure to AIDS ca mpaign. However, knowledge of and attitudes towards AIDS remaind low, and parti cularly misconceptions about non-transmission routes were unbelievably high. Fu ture AIDS campaign should be more specific and focus in rural areas.
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2003年第4期208-211,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 AIDS 宣传活动 效果评价 艾滋病 艾滋病知识 AIDS Campaign AIDS Knowledge and Attitudes Effect evaluation
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  • 1孙刚.艾滋病奏球的流行形势和成功的防治经验[J].中国性病艾滋病防治,1998,:5-5.












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