城市绿地是城市景观的重要自然要素 ,在提高城市生态质量、维护生态平衡等方面起着重要作用 .本文从绿地系统着手 ,运用景观生态学的原理和方法 ,对乌鲁木齐市绿地系统作了综合评价 .结果显明乌鲁木齐绿地景观多样性低 ,绿地布局不合理、不均匀 ,绿地廊道密度低 ,绿地覆盖率和人均公共绿地面积小。据此提出乌鲁木齐绿地景观生态建设对策 ,以提高绿地系统景观的异质性 ,更有效发挥绿地的生态功能。
Vegetation is the important natural factor in urban landscape, which plays a vital role in improving ecological quality and maintaining ecological balance. This paper starts with greenland system and uses fundamental methods of landscape ecology to analyze the landscape heterogeneity of vegetation in Urumqi. The results show that the landscape diversity index is low, and the distribution of vegetation is unreasonable and uneven. In addition, the line corridor density is not high, the percentage of vegetation coverage and the area of public garden for each person is small. Therefore, some suggestions are put forward to improve the landscape heterogeneity and make the ecological function more effective.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G19990 43 5 0 9)资助