在内蒙古干旱、半干旱区生态脆弱带 ,通过对内蒙古大青山干旱阳坡、绿色通道和山前冲积、洪积平原农田防护林等三个类型森林生态网络体系的构建 ,遵循适地适树的原则 ,选择适宜树种、营养杯或带土托大苗 ,采用了保水抗旱造林技术措施 ,使得干旱阳坡造林成活率达到了 85~ 95% ;绿色通道林造林成活率为 80 -1 0 0 % ;农田防护林造林成活率为 90~99.8%。且绿色通道林和农田防护林已初见成效 ,发挥了较好的绿化、美化和防护效益。
In ecological fragile zone in arid and semi-arid area of Inner Mongolia, the ecological forest net works were constructed by afforestation in drought sun slope of Daqingshan mountain ,along highway and of shelter belt in farm land.The trees were selected to suit the local environment.The seedlings were planted with nutrition trough or with origonal soil.survival rate in drought sun slope is 85%~95%, that along green channel is 80%~100%, and that of farm land shelterbelt is 90%~99.8%.Forest along green channel and farm land shelterbelt have won initial success and given full play to green, beauty and protective benefits.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment