采用快速称重法测定了驼绒藜属 ( Ceratoides)植物 3个种 5个生态型蒸腾速率和失水率叶片离体 1 2分钟内的连续变化。结果发现 ,分段蒸腾速率 ( STR)和分段失水率 ( SDR)表现为无规则律动模式 ,其变幅和节奏具有不可预知性 ;平均蒸腾速率 ( ATR)表现为曲率较小的相对平滑的抛物线。ATR的线性分布较好地体现出植物间蒸腾速率调节能力的差异。华北驼绒藜的 2个生态型和驼绒藜宁夏生态型蒸腾作用的调节能力较强 ,而来自新疆的心叶驼绒藜和驼绒藜新疆生态型调节能力则较弱。不同植物 ATR的线性参数对温度、相对湿度和光照强度的敏感性差异很大。
Successional transperation rates(TR) and dehydration ratios(DR) within 12 minutes after leaf detached were measured on of 5 ecotypes,3 Ceratoides species by way of weighting leaf instantly. It was showed that subsectional TR and DR (STR and SDR) presented a random variability, the range and rhythm could not be expected. Average TR(ATR) curves were comparatively smooth parabola and with a unimportant curvature. The differentiation among plants in controlling TR potential could be exhibited well by the distribution of ATR's linear equation. 2 ecotypes of C.arborescens and C. latens showed a stronger controlling performance, however, another 2 species, came from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, showed a little infirmatory. The great differences of ATR' linear equation parameters among plants were occurred, in response to air temperature, relative humidity and light intensity.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
内蒙古自然科学基金 (2 0 0 10 90 5 -0 7)