对数字信号处理课程进行了重大的改革。其内容包括 :采用国外优秀的原版教材 ;使用英语或双语教学 ;全面使用现代化教育手段 :全英语电子教案并上网 ,网上答疑、递交和批改作业 ;充分发挥课程组的作用 ,做到相互帮助与借鉴 ,教育资源共享 ;使用多种手段 ,全程跟踪教学过程和质量 ;广泛听取学生意见 ,从考试情况和问卷调查入手 ,进行深入的分析 ,总结经验和教训 ,以利改革的顺利进行和不断得到改善。
A series of reform is taken place on “Digital Signal Processing”, which includes taking outstanding textbook widely used in west famous universities; teaching with both Chinese and English; teaching with electronic coursewre which is also put on webs; answering students'questiond and correcting their homework on webs and so on. The professors in the teaching group take the course and discuss each other. They also discuss often with students on how should be going the reform. After the exam, a questionnaire was dispensed to all students and the inquiry results were analyzed for improving the reform.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education