直流脉宽调制伺服系统以其可控性好、调速范围宽、功率因数高等一系列优点被越来越多的应用于工业控制、机器人、军工、航空航天等领域 ,并引起业内学者的广泛的重视。但是目前许多国内大专院校相关课程缺少直流脉宽调制伺服系统的实验器材。本文基于此背景 ,研制了一种直流 PWM伺服系统驱动器实验平台。它具备常规单极性、受限单极性以及双极性三种工作模式。试用结果表明该系统具有显示度强、可靠性高、接口灵活的优点 ,适合于实验使用。
DC Pulse width modulation serve system has been applied more and more in industry control, robot, military and aviation etc. as its’ many advantages, such as good controllability, wide regulating speed range and high power factor. As these reasons, it has attracted many scholars' attention. But until now, there isn’t DC PWM serve system experiment apparatus for correlative subjects in many universities and colleges. In this background, a DC PWM serve system was designed in this paper, which is provided with limited unipolar mode, the unipolar mode and the bipolar mode. The results of probation manifests this system possesses convenient display property, high reliability and flexible interface ports, thus it is suitable for laboratory.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education