为了体现电子技术的最新发展并适合较少学时授课的需要 ,西安交通大学新编的《数字电子技术基础》教材增加了一些新内容 ,但篇幅仅为 35万字。其主要特点是 :精选基本内容 ,删减陈旧和不实用部分 ,更加突出了重点 ;提出用功能块方法分析和设计以中大规模集成电路为主构成的数字电路 ;介绍了硬件描述语言和高密度可编程逻辑器件。该教材既全面系统地论述本学科基础理论知识 ,又强调了电子技术的实用性 ,还介绍了一些新方法和新技术。
This paper introduces some features about the textbook “The Fundamentals of Digital Electronic Technology”, written by Xi'an Jiaotong University. To suit development of electronics technology and less lessons, the textbook increase the new contents, but only for 350 thousands words. In the textbook, first, basic contents were select, old and useless parts were reduced for emphasis. Second, a new way was put forward that digital circuits, constituted with MSI and LSI, could be analyzed and designed by function models. Third, VHDL and HDPLD were introduced. This textbook expounds the knowledge of foundational theories completely and systematically. It emphasizes the applicability of electronics technique and introduces some new methods and techniques.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education