论述了为配合我校校园网的实施与贯通而设计和开发的现代教育技术培训教学网站中动态编程部分的设想、实践及所获得的启示。介绍了网站主要版块及功能 ,指出动态程理网站技术部分的核心 ;对当前网站动态编程领域的主流开发工具进行了比较 ,提出了我们选择开发工具的设想及理由 ,并分析了我们使用网络数据库的必要性 ;最后陈述了我们的具体实施过程和相关技术细节。
In order to employ our campus' intranet system batter, we developed an intranet-based instructional website about Educational Technology Training. This paper mainly discusses the programming part of this project, including design, implementation and experiences. It introduces the main compositions and their functions of this website, proposes that programming is the key technology of a website. It also makes a comparison of several popular network programming tools, gives reasons of our choice and tells why we need to use database. Then, it gives statement on the implementing process and technical details.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education