SK5278是一种可管理16个按键的键盘控制器 ,该器件内部具有去抖动处理电路 ,可直接输出按键的键值编码 ,并采用串行方式与单片机或微处理器进行接口 ,使用该器件可简化单片机系统软硬件的键盘接口。文中给出了该器件的特点、管脚说明和使用方法 ,并以AT89C2051单片机为例给出了相应的接口电路及相应程序。
SK5278is a keyboard controller that can control16keys.It will be connected with single-chip or micro-controller by means of the serial manner.And it has a function of getting rid of dithering,and can outˉput the code of keyboard directly,which can make the software and hardware of single-chip system keyboard interface simplely.The characteristics,pin function and using methods of it,and the example of its interface circuits and program with AT89C2051single chip are given in this paper.
International Electronic Elements