针对实际生产中原ZG270-500铸钢件易出现裂纹的问题,选择GB7659-87《焊接结构用碳素钢铸件》中的ZG275-485H作为试验钢。对试验钢,除进行焊接性能检测试验外,在原化学成分基础上,重点对钢材冶炼中需控制的主要化学成分质量分数的范围进行了试验研究,最终得出生产用钢的主要化学成分质量分数为:C 0.20%~0.25%,Si 0.30%~0.50%,Mn 1.00%~1.20%,S、P和其它残余元素按原国家标准控制。2年多的试生产表明,试验钢能够满足企业生产需要,各项性能指标良好。
In order to solve the problem of cracks in ZG270-500 cast steel parts, ZG275-485H cast steel appointed in Chinese Standanrd GB7659-87 is selected as for test. After an analysis of the welding performance of the test steel, the range of the mass concentration of the main chemical compositions in the steel is investigated, and it is indicated that, in the smelting of, the steel, its main chemical compositions should be controlled as follows: C 0.20%-0.25%, Si 0.30%-0.50%, Mn 1.00%-1.20%, and S, P and other residual elements controlled as stipulated in the old Chinese standard. Trial production for 2 years shows that the test steel can satisfy the requirement of the production with good performance.
China Petroleum Machinery