针对油田注水生产的需要研制了注水井注水压降测试装置。其硬件由连接支承装置、压力传感器、微处理器、存储器、液晶显示器、压力数据采集电路和通讯电路构成。它具有结构简单、尺寸小、质量轻和测试精度高等优点,能满足30 MPa、温度100℃油田注水井压力测试的使用要求。实井测试表明,该装置记录数据准确,分析结果与理论预测结果吻合。
An apparatus for testing the pressure drop of the water injection well is developed according to the actual requirement of oil field production. The hardwares for pressure drop test are introduced, and the flow chart of the test system software is presented. The apparatus can satisfy the requirement for testing the pressure drop of water injection wells with a pressure of 30MPa and temperature of 100℃. On-site test shows that the apparatus can provide accurate data record, and the result of the analysis is identical with the results of theoretical prediction.
China Petroleum Machinery