4“Summary of the Three Year Kennedy Record,” http://www. j fklibrary, org/j fk_leg_rccord3, html, 2006 - 03 - 20.
5Alisa Federico Cunningham, Jamie p. Merisotis, Thomas R. Wolanin, Mark P. Harvey. “Options for a Federal Role in Infrastructure Development at Tribal Colleges & Universities,” presented to the White House Initiative on Tribal Colleges and Universities by the Institute for Higher Education Policy, February 2000.
6The Congress of the United States Congressional Budget Office. “An Analysis of the President's Credit Budget for Fiscal Year 1986,” http://www. cbo. gov/ftpdocs/59xx/doc5984/doc05a- Part 4. pdf.
8Alice M. Rivlin. Federal Credit Activities : An Analysis of President Reagan's Credit Budget for 1982. 1981.
9Alisa Federico Cunningham, Jamie p. Merisotis, Thomas R. Wolanin, Mark P. Harvey. “Options for a Federal Role in Infrastructure Development at Tribal Colleges & Universities,”presented to the White House Initiative on Tribal Colleges and Universities by the Institute for Higher Education Policy, February 2000.