AdobePremiere软件在视音频采集卡、声卡、录像机等硬件的支持下 ,可以实现视音频的采集、特技、字幕、录制、编辑、输出等一体化。AdobePremiere 6 .0具有使用方便、操作简单易行、价格相对低廉的特点 ,作者从素材准备、采集、编辑、合成等方面 ,介绍了利用AdobePremiere 6 .0制作电视节目时提高编辑效率。
With the support of video-audio capture card, sound card, VTR and other hardware, Adobe Premiere 6.0 is able to achieve integration of the input of audio and video signals, special effects, capturing, recording, editing and output. Adobe premiere 6.0 is quite user-friendly, inexpensive and easy to operate. The author has discussed the techniques and solutions as to how to improve the editing efficiency and quality and reduce the time for editing in terms of the obtaining source materials and synthesis.
China Digital Cable TV