改革开放以来 ,浙江经济保持了持续高速发展 ,“浙江模式”已成为一个引人关注的焦点。浙江经济的发展有若干突出的特点 ,针对“浙江模式”的研究 ,也形成了众多观点和见解。多数学者认为 ,“浙江模式”有一定扩展性 ,并对我国欠发达地区和国企改革有重要的借鉴意义。
Since the adoption of the policy of reform and opening, Zhejiang’s economy has experienced sustained rapid development and “Zhejiang Model” has become a focu s of public attention. There are prominent characteristics of Zhejiang’s econom ic development, and numerous viewpoints have been formed in the research on “Zh ejiang Model”. Most scholars believe that “Zhejiang Model” is, to some extent , expansible and of important reference value to the less-developed regions and the reform of state-owned enterprises in China.
Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics