基于对矩形混凝土池在极端干燥气候条件下开裂原因的分析,提出了采用无粘结预应力技术控制矩形混凝土池的开裂设计方法。为此,采用Super SAP对池壁在各种荷载作用下的内力进行了分析,在此基础上确定了与预应力混凝土技术相适应的矩形池结构形式,建立了无粘结预应力矩形混凝土池的设计程序。通过实例设计,表明本文所建立的设计体系切实可行,能够经济地解决极端干燥地区矩形混凝土池的开裂渗漏问题。
The paper proposes a unbond prestressed concrete design method to be used in rectangular concrete pools to control cracking in extremely dry areas. Based on finite element analysis, a new structural shape of the rectangular pools, well adapted for unbond prestressed concrete technology, is decided, and the design procedure for rectangular concrete pools in extremely dry areas is made. Actualengineering shows that the proposed design procedure, which can restrict the occurrence of cracks, is not only very effective, but also very economical.
Journal of Panyu Polytechnic