
柔性制造系统(FMS)刀具建模、调度仿真研究 被引量:13

Research on Tool Assembly Model and Schedule Simulation in FMS
摘要 传统的柔性制造系统刀具调度没有考虑刀具之间可能的模块重叠,从而增加了刀具配置成本。为了减少这种重叠的资源,把构成每把刀具的模块分成刀柄模块、中间模块和刃具模块三部分,给出了刀具的装配的数学模型和以成本最小为目标的0-1规划模型。针对一批具有购刀资金限制的订单,如何确定各种类型刀具模块的数量使订单具有最小拖期的问题,通过调度刀具模块来进行仿真以求得订单的拖期,然后再根据拖期修改各种类型刀具模块数量。数据结果表明模块级刀具配置优于刀具级刀具配置。 Conventional tool schedule in an FMS does not consider the local overlaps of same modular type amongst the tool constituents, which increases the tool purchasing cost. In this paper, a tool type is divided into three modular types, which are tool holder, accessory and cutting tool. A mathematical formula of tool assembly is proposed in modular level. Then, the problem is considered as how to determine the number of modular copies of each modular type with the objective of minimizing total tardiness of orders with distinct due dates for a given budget for tool purchase. A greedy algorithm, which relies on the task tardiness obtained by a simulation, is proposed to choose the required modular among all potential ones. Computational experiments results show that a better tool requirements plan can be obtained in modular-based method than tool-based.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第9期1211-1213,1217,共4页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 柔性制造系统(FMS) 刀具管理 刀具配置 刀具移动系统 整数规划 FMS tool management tool requirements planning tool movement systems integer programming
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