CORBA是分布式计算领域的研究热点 性能对于诸如实时、嵌入式CORBA应用至关重要 在高速网络环境下或backbone系统中 ,端系统的性能是整个系统性能不可忽视的因素 在传统的实时、嵌入CORBA应用中 ,影响端系统性能的几个主要因素包括操作系统的上下文切换、进程调度以及用户空间与操作系统间的数据复制 文章认为 ,CORBA的内核级实现可以消除或减小以上开销 KIOIK是基于Linux内核的CORBA实现 阐述了在Linux内核级实现CORBA的若干关键技术 ,为CORBA端系统的性能优化提出了一个新的思路 最后给出了KIOIK与用户空间CORBA以及核内SunRPC的延迟对比测试结果 。
CORBA is a hot issue in the distributed computing research area Performance is a key factor in real time and embedded CORBA environment In a high speed network environment and backbone systems, the performance of an end system can not be neglected It is argued that the time spending in factors such as context switch, process scheduling, and data copy between user space and kernel space can be eliminated or reduced KIOIK is a CORBA implementation living in Linux kernel The authors give several key issues on implementing CORBA in Linux kernel, which lead to a new method to improve the performance of CORBA end system Finally, a performance comparison and analysis of KIOIK, user space CORBA and the kernel space SunRPC are also given
Journal of Computer Research and Development
国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划 ( 2 0 0 1AA113 0 2 0 )
国家自然科学基金 ( 90 10 40 2 0 )
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(G19990 3 2 70 3 )