
番茄灰霉病菌寄主范围及致病力分化研究 被引量:7

Study on Host Range And Pathogenicity Differentiation of Botrytis Cinerea
摘要 菠菜、豌豆、蚕豆、菊花叶片有伤、无伤接种番茄灰霉病菌均可感染发病 ,马铃薯、生姜、山药块茎、萝卜块根、柑橘果实、蘑菇子实体有伤、无伤接种番茄灰霉病菌均不感染发病。不同菌株对番茄不同品种的致病力不同 ,且菌株致病力的强弱跟菌株与番茄品种的组合有关。灰霉菌也能侵染辣椒、黄瓜、茄子、草莓的果实 ,不同寄主来源的灰霉菌对番茄果实的致病力最强 ,对黄瓜果实的致病力最弱。 The inoculation test showed that the leaves of Spinacia oleracea L.,Pisum stativam L.,Vicia faba L.,Dendranthema morifolium Tzvel. could be infected by Botrytis cinerea.Stems of Solanum tuberosum L.,Zingiber officinale Rosc.,Dioscorea sp.,roots of Raphanus sativus L.,fruit of Citrus resticulata,body of Psalliola campestris could not be infected. Different isolates had different virulence to various tomato cultivars and the virulence was connected with the combination of isolates and cultivars. Botrytis cinerea could also infect the fruits of pepper,cucumber, eggplant and strawberry. All isolates from different host plants had stronger virulence to tomato and weaker virulence to cucumber.
出处 《安徽技术师范学院学报》 2003年第3期239-242,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agrotechnical Teachers College
关键词 番茄 灰霉病菌 寄主范围 致病力分化 Botrytis cinerea Host range Pathogenicity differentiation
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