Zhongmian 16 is a new cotton variety with higher and constant yield, which is suitable for cotton-wheat double cropping system. It has a pre-frost lint yield of 612.0~856.5 kg/hm^2, 9.1%~22.2% which is higher than that of the control, ranked first in the national, Henan and shandong summer cotton variety reginal tests and the commercial tests in Hebei, Shandong and Henan Provinces in 1988 and 1989. Its regression coefficient bi is 1.22>1. The regression line was higher than that of varieties and became obvious with the increase of environmental index. The regression deviation S_(di)~2 is 23.8, less than that of the other tested varieties. path analysis showed that the terminal path coefficient value of the plant density was 0.7979 at a very significant level, but the bolls per plant, boll weight and lint percent were not significent. Therefore, the key techniques of Zhongmian 16 should be focused on plant density, based on scientific side-dressing and chemical regulation. In normal fertile field, Zhongmian 16 with 90~150 thousand plants/hm^2. can give a lint yield of 1125~1200 kg, needing pure N 105~150 kg, P_2O_5 75~120 kg, of which side-dressing takes up 60%, and 2~3 times of DPC control with 15~60 g each application during the whole developmental period.
Cotton Science
Zhongmian 16
environmental index
path analysis
cultural techniques