目的 探讨在防治SARS工作中发热门诊、留观室医务人员防护的措施和方法。方法 回顾 3个月来防治SARS过程中加强医院感染管理控制工作 ,消除院内交叉感染 ,保护医务人员的身体健康 ,分析探讨各种应急防护措施和方法。结果 诊治发热病人总数为 4 881人 ,其中门诊诊治 335 2人 ,留观 15 19人 ,疑似SARS病例 4人 ,医学观察病例 6人 ,占银川市发热病人总数的 6 8.84 %。参加一线和二线防治的医务人员 2 4 8人 ,在承担防治工作期间及工作结束后两周之内身体状态良好 ,检查各项指标正常 ,有效地控制了院内交叉感染 ,实现了医务人员“零感染”的目标。结论 在严格执行国家卫生部有关技术规范性文件的前提下 ,结合实际制定严格的消毒隔离及防护制度和工作规程 ,并认真实施 ,落实到位 ;加强医务人员的知识培训和防护操作演练 ;加强发热门诊、留观室、怀疑SARS病例留观病房的通风换气 ,严格区分清洁区、半污染区和污染区 ;严格遵守分级防护原则 。
Objectives To analyse the protective measures and methods taken by medical staff working in out-patient department and observing room for the patients with fever during the action against SARS.Methods The strengthened hospital infection control, eliminating cross infection occurred in hospital and protecting the medical staff from infection during three months work against SARS was reviewed .Various emergent protective measures and methods was analysed.Results The total number of 4881 patients with fever were diagnosed and treated in our hospital. Among the patients, 3352 cases were diagnosed and treated in out-patient department and 1519 cases in observing room. 4 cases were diagnosed as suspected SARS. There were 6 cases for medical observation.The total number of patients with fever in our hospital accounted for 68.84% in Yinchuan, district. 248 medical staff worked against SARS in direct or indirect contact with patients with fever . All the medical staff showed normal state during the period of action against SARS and two weeks after the action. The cross infection in our hospital was controlled effectively. The aim of zero infection was achieved.Conclusions Under the precondition of carrying out action strictly based on the requirement of technique standard issued by national health ministry, the strict disinfection, separation, regulation of protection and rules of work were implemented and put into effect according to our reality. The strengthened training of medical staff about the knowledge of SARS and protection drill was taken. The ventilation in out-patient department, observing room and ward being stayed by suspected SARS was strengthened. The clean area, semi-infection area and infection area was distinguished strictly. Grade protective priciple was complied with. Various comprehensive measures were taken.
Ningxia Medical Journal
Severe acute respiratory syndrome
Medical staff
Protection measures