The conclusions about the pressure distribution on the steps are obtained from model tests. The pressure on the step's horizontal surface first falls down gradually from the nook and reaches a minimum at a distance of 0.3~0.5 step size away from the nook. Then, the pressure increases gradually and reaches a maximum at a distance of 0.7~0.9 step size from the nook. After the maximum point, it starts to decreases till the salient. The pressure on the vertical section decreases upward from the nook and becomes negative in the middle of the step. A zone in the range of 0.5~1.0 step size is called the negative zone. The absolute value of the negative pressure increases upward and its maximum occurs under the salient. The pressure distribution on the stepped spillway along the road is wavy, peaks and valleys occur alternatively on the steps. The law of the change of the fluctuating pressure intensity and the pressure index are consistant with that of the observed timeaveraged pressure, and increases along with the increase of the runoff and the slope of the spillway. The fluctuating pressure intensity increases along the road as x/Lt≤0.4~0.5, then decreases to some extent. The dominate frequencies of the fluctuating pressure lie the range of 0 to 2Hz. The probability function of the fluctuating pressure is of the abnornal distribution.
Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics