模拟焦化厂熄焦过程和焦炭转运过程 ,用ZBS溶液对焦炭进行处理 ,通过系列实验重点研究了ZBS添加剂对焦炭反应性、反应后强度的影响。结果表明 ,焦炭热性能得到明显改善 :焦炭的反应性 (CRI)降低了 16 .95 %~2 4 .19% ;焦炭的反应后强度 (CSR)提高了 6 .80 %~ 8.6 3%。
The coke was first sprayed with the ZBS solution under simulating coke quenching process and cool-coke transport process at coke plant.The influence of the ZBS additive on coke property such as CRI and CSR has been analyzed and discussed by means of a series of experiments. The main results obtained are as follows: the CRI of the coke decreases 16.95%~24.19%. The CSR of the coke raises 6.8%~8.63%.
Henan Metallurgy