通过实验筛选出了适于特异性的同步检测酸式和内酯式莫奈呵啉K的薄层色谱法 (TLC) .最佳薄层色谱条件为 :薄层板采用德国Merck公司的化学修饰薄层板SilicaGel 6 0 ,RP - 18F2 5 4,0 .5mm ;展开剂系统采用V(氯仿 )∶V(甲醇 )∶V(氨水 ) =2 5∶3∶1;炭化试剂采用 30 % (体积分数 )的硫酸乙醇溶液 ;紫外检测波长为 36 5nm .该法实现了酸式和内脂式莫奈呵啉K的检测特异性与同步性 ,并将检测灵敏度提高到绝对检测量 30ng .该法适用于任何含莫奈呵啉K的样品的检测 ,特别适用于大批量经常性的定性或半定量莫奈呵啉K的检测 .
A novel and sensitive thin-layer chromatography(TLC) method for specific and simultaneous detection of both lactone form Monacolin K and acid form Monacolin K is developed in this study. The TLC works in the following conditions: The TLC plate was Silica Gel 60, RP-18 F254, 0.5 mm, chemically modified layer, Merck, Germany; The solvent system was chloroform∶methanol∶ammonium hydroxide= 25∶3∶1 (volume ratio); Monitoring the TLC under 365 nm after heating it with a slight coating of the charring reagent 30% (volume fraction) H 2SO 4 ethanol on the TLC plate, allowed the specific detection of Monacolin K and the low detection limit was first time brought down to 30 ng. The present TLC method is suitable for the routine qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of the bulk materials containing Monacolin K.
Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)