
芳烃碳九(C_9)油/丙烯酸两亲性共聚物大分子表面活性剂的研究与开发 被引量:8

Preparation and Application of an Amphiphilic Copolymer Composed of Acrylic Acid and Aromatic C_9 Oil
摘要 以廉价的裂解制乙烯的副产物———芳烃碳九(C9)油为原料,与丙烯酸实现了自由基共聚合,合成了具有两亲性的碳九(C9)/丙烯酸无规共聚物P(C9-AA),测得其相对分子质量在10000左右,具有高分子表面活性剂特点,在水溶液中的CMC值约为6 7×10-4mol/L。研究了在P(C9-AA)水溶液中的胶束状态,表明其胶束应是多分子缔合,在较低温度(15℃)下成分子晶体状态,在50℃呈近似球形。由于其结构较为特殊,初步研究表明,其应用前景诱人,用作乳化剂,可以合成较大颗粒(800~1000nm)的高分子乳液,工艺简单。所合成的较大颗粒微球用作模板制备了CdS纳米壳层材料,该壳层材料在半导体、电子材料方面有潜在的意义和应用价值。作者还将P(C9-AA)两亲性共聚物用于稠油的开采。初步实验表明P(C9-AA)是一种新型的大分子表面活性剂,有较大的应用价值。 An amphiphilic random copolymer P(C9-AA) was synthesized by free radical polymerization using acrylic acid and aromatic C9 oil (a cheap byproduct in ethylene production).The molecular weight of the copolymer is aobut 10000,and its CMC in aqueous solution is measured to be about 67×10-4 mol/L.The micelle is formed by multimolecular association,and looks like a ball at 50 ℃,but crystallizes at lower temperature (15 ℃).This copolymer has been used as an emulsifier to prepare big polymer emulsion particles (800-1000 nm) which can serve as the template to obtain CdS nanomaterial with shell structure.It has been also used in thick oil recovery as a surfactant to reduce the viscosity.These imply that further inverstigation on this new amphiphilic copolymer is worthwhile.
出处 《精细化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第9期545-553,共9页 Fine Chemicals
关键词 芳烃碳九 丙烯酸 两亲性聚合物 大颗粒乳液 大分子表面活性剂 稠油开采 aromatic C_9 oil acrylic acid amphiphilic copolymer coarse emulsion macromolecular surfactant thick oil recovery
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