提出了一种基于Browser/Server(浏览器/服务器)模式的数字城市3维景观Web发布系统模型WebCi ty3D,该模型综合利用了ActiveX、COM/DCOM以及OpenGL技术。其基本思路是:利用OpenGL三维图形库开发植入浏览器的ActiveX控件用于3维景观的显示与交互,通过DCOM技术实现ActiveX控件与服务器COM组件之间的数据通讯。实验结果证明了这种结构模型具有一定的优越性。
A system model for expression of the 3D scenic of cyber city on Web based on Browser/Server pattern is given in this paper. Technology of ActiveX, COM/DCOM and OpenGL has been integrated in the model. The main idea of this model is: An ActiveX control developed in OpenGL which can be inserted in the browser is used to render the 3D scenic and handle user's operation.The way of communication between the ActiveX control and the COM object is DCOM.The experiment shows that this model has a certain superiority.
Journal of Institute of Surveying and Mapping