浅圆仓和高大平房仓每平方米表面粮层施用 0 .1kg仓虫敌 ,能有效地控制谷蠹、玉米象、长角谷盗和书虱等主要害虫的发生 ,实现以防为主的储粮害虫综合治理目标。施药后 3个月 ,仓虫敌在施药粮层的残留就低于国家食品中农药残留限量标准。本文还探讨了仓虫敌控制害虫与低温储粮结合的可能性。
kg/m 2 CANGCHONGDI was applied on the surface of grain bulk in squat silo and in large warehouse to prevent and control stored-grain insects.The results showed that,it is effective to control Rhyzopertha dominica(Fabricius),Sitophilus zeamais(Motschulsky),Cryptolestes pusillus(Schonberr) and booklice etc.3 months after applying CANGCHONGDI,the residues in grain is lower than the national limited standard of pesticide vesidues in foodstuff.The paper also discussed the feasibility of using CANGCHONGDI with grain storage in low temperature for integrated control.
Grain Storage