通过对中国传统思想中的凤鸟崇拜的全面理解 ,解析了凤鸟与“天人合一”等中国传统思想的关系以及它们的符号学象征意义与建筑意指 ,论证了凤鸟与中国传统大屋顶建筑的精神层面的联系 。
s:With a full understanding of Phoenix Worship in the t raditional Chinese ideology, this article tries to analyze the signal and archit ectural symbolism that phoenix stands for in the realm of traditional Chinese id eology such as armony between human beings and the universe.Also, there is elab orati on on the relationship between Phoenix and the spiritual level of traditional Bi g Roof architecture which, therefore, helps to understand what lies between arc hitecture and human spirits.
Journal of Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College