本文从自传体形式和躯体写作两个方面 ,论述了西方女权主义文论对中国 90年代女性写作的影响 ,指出 90年代的女性文学存在着深刻的西方女权主义印迹 ,带有强烈的异域色彩 ,女性写作必须在借鉴女权主义文论的基础上 ,建构中国式的女性话语 。
This thesis is mainly talked about the influence of the articles andopin ons of western feminism on the women's writing in the 1990s of China by the form of autobiography and Body Writing.It points out that women's writing in the 1990s has deep western feminism traces and strong foreign lands color.Women's writing must base on the feminism articles and opinions while building the words of women that constructs Chinese style and express Chinese women's own unique words.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College