宋代杰出女词人李清照创新语言的技巧与 2 0世纪初俄国形式主义派提出的“陌生化”理论不谋而合。她虽未闻“陌生化”之名 ,却行了“陌生化”之实。她主要通过以拟人、移情等手法自铸奇俊新颖之语 ,以寻常语度入音律和创造性地使用叠字、叠句、排句三种“陌生化”方法来创新语言。
LI Qing-zhao is the prominent poetess in the Song Dynasty.Her technique to innovate language happened to coincide with the Ostranenie theory raised by the Russian formalism school in the early 20th century.LI Qing-zhao didn't hear of the Ostranenie theory,but she put it into practice.She innovated language mainly by means of three Ostranenie methods:creating outstanding and original words herself through such skills as personification and empathy; writing ci with ordinary language according to temperament; creatively using reduplicated word,reiterative sentence and parallelism sentence.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College