在理论和实验上对Y旋转切割石英基片上的准纵漏表面声波(快速声表面波)的传播特性作了比较全面的研究。准纵漏表面声波的相速度可以达到6200m/s~7100m/s,是常规声表面波相速度的两倍,接近纵波速度。理论计算和实验结果均表明:在Y旋转切割石英基片的某些传播方向上,准纵漏表面声波的束偏向角和延迟温度系数均较小。例如,沿欧拉角(0°,155.25°,42°)方向的准纵漏表面声波的相速度和延迟温度系数的实验测量值分别为6201m/s和12.9 ppm/℃。实验还表明,放置于基片表面的液体对准纵漏表面声波的吸收不大,说明此种声波质点振动集中在传播方向(沿表面方向),具有纵波的性质。
The propagation properties of Quasi-longitudinal leaky surface acoustic wave (QLLSAW) on Y-rotated cut quartz substrates are presented . The phase velocity of QLLSAW on the quartz substrate along some orientations can be up from 6,200 m/s to 7,100 m/s, circa 100% superior to that of Rayleigh wave. Both theoretical and experimental results show that QLLSAW propagating along some promising orientations for SAW devices are with small power flow angle and low temperature coefficient, such as along the Euler angle (0°, 155.25°, 42°), the measurements of phase velocity and temperature coefficient of delay of QLLSAW are 6201m/s and 12.9 ppm/ ℃. When liquid was loaded on the face of the substrates, QLLSAW had little absorption by liquid, which depicts that the direction of particle motion is almost parallel to the surface, and demonstrates that the wave is of the properties of longitudinal wave.
Acta Acustica