实践证明 ,采用厌氧滤池———好氧接触氧化法处理啤酒废水 ,有很强的抗冲击负荷能力 ,特别是厌氧处理段负荷率达到 10 - 15kgCODcr/m3 ·d ,对BOD5、CODcr、SS的去除率分别为 89%、 90 %和88%。
We treat brewery wastewater using the way of anaerobic filter and aerobic contact oxidation. The results showed that the way has strong ability of anti-shock loading, especially, the loading rate of the process of anaerobic filter can reach 10 to 15kg CODcr/m3.d, and the removal rate of BOD5, CODcr and SS are 89%, 90% and 88% individually. The water quality of outflow can meet the second level of national discharged standard.
Yunnan Environmental Science