目的 旨在为临床治疗咯血寻求更有效的方法及药物,方法 将83例患者随机分成4组,组1经纤维支气管镜(FB)局部灌注纤维蛋白原+凝血酶;组2经FB局部灌注凝血酶;组3予垂体后叶素+常规止血药(止血敏、止血芳酸)静脉滴注;组4予常规止血药静脉滴注。结果 统计学检验显示,4种治疗方法疗效差别有显著性(P=0.0001)。组1、组2的治疗方法优于组3、组4(P<0.05)。而组1较组2疗效更优(P=0.05)。结论 经FB局部灌注凝血药物的止血效果优于静脉用药;经FB灌注纤维蛋白原+凝血酶比单用凝血酶的止血效果更显著。
OBJECTIVE: To search and study a more effective and convenient method in the treatment of hemoptysis. METHOD: 83 cases divided into 4 groups randomly, Gr. 1 fibrinogen and thrombin infused via bronchoscopy; Gr.2 thrombin infused only. Gr.3 vasopressin and antifibrinolysins(PAM-BA and AMCHA) used intravenously. Gr.4 Only antifibinogens(PAMBA and AMCHA) used. RESULT: The treatment effect among the four groups had significant difference statistically ( P = 0.0001) . The treatment effect of Gr. 1 and Gr. 2 was better than that of Gr. 3 and Gr. 4. (P<0.05). The treatment effect of Gr. 1 was better than that of Gr. 2 (P = 0.05). RESULT: The combination of fibrinogen and thrombin used via bronchoscopy ia an effective method in the treatment of hemoptysis, it is better than single drug used.
Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition)