通过对敦煌研究院藏Z0 1112、Z0 1113残碑的考证和研究 ,笔者认定该碑为敦煌莫高窟第 2 2 0窟的造窟功德碑 ,并就碑的定名、性质以及敦煌浔阳翟氏与上蔡翟氏的关系等也进行了考释。
Based on the fact study of No.Z01112 and Z01113 , the two pieces of a broken Tang Dynasty Stone Tablet which are now in collection of the museum of the Dunhuang Academy, this article has reviewed the two pieces of broken stone tablet that are belong to one tablet once erected in Cave 220 of Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang as a memory of a worthy deed. Thus, this article has made investigation and interpretation for the definition of nature of the stone tablet and has given a title to the tablet. Furthermore, this article has made study on the relationship between the two surname Zai family and has distinct them from each other by the collected facts that the two Zai families were come from different native place , one came from Xunyang county and another were from Shangcai county.
Dunhuang Research