科学社会主义的发展经历了两次从空想到科学的飞跃。到本世纪中叶中国基本实现现代化 ,其历程大体可分为四个 5 0年。作为科学社会主义世界观方法论的马克思主义哲学在发展上也大体与之同步。前两个 5 0年认识较一致。第三个 5 0年马克思主义哲学指导中国社会主义建设在曲折探索中走上正确道路 ,其本身在以人为本的真理观、主体性、价值论等方面有较大发展。第四个 5 0年是中国特色社会主义全面建设的 5 0年 ,马克思主义哲学必须在问题研究。
The development of scientific socialism has undergone two leaps from fantasy to science, one being the revolution, the other the construction. By the middle of this century, China would have realized its modernization, the process of which can be divided into four fifty years. Marxist philosophy, which serves as the world outlook and methodology of scientific socialism, developed basically in a synchronized pace. Their development had virtually been identical during the first two fifty years. During the third period, Marxist philosophy had, in its sinuous probing, directed China's socialist construction into a right course. Meanwhile, Marxist philosophy itself had gained considerable progress in its human\|based truth outlook, subjectivity, axiology and so on. The fourth period features the comprehensive construction of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. In response, Marxist philosophy must seek a comprehensive innovation in its studying methods, philosophy branches and system construction, etc.
Journal of Beijing administration institute