足球运动是一项开展广泛 ,深受青少年喜爱 ,影响力很大的体育运动项目。但是 ,目前我国足球运动水平与世界水平相差甚远。就如何改变我国足球运动的落后状况也进行过不少的研究与讨论。本文认为 ,只有坚定不移地贯彻“提高指导下的普及 ,普及基础上的提高”这一辩证发展方针 ,切实解决好普及基础方面的实际问题 ,才是提高我国足球运动水平 ,改变落后状况的基本任务。
Soccer is a kind of sports that very universalized and popular among teenagers. However now the soccer sport level of China falls far short of what it has been expected, compare with the level of world soccer sport. lots of researches have been done upon how to change the backward condition of Chinese soccer. The author of this paper thinks that we can improve the soccer situation of China and change the backward level, only by firmly implementing the precept so called ' the universalized guiding by improvement; the improvement based on the universaliz ation', and it is essential task to solve the universalization and the improvement etc. actual problem.
Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University