1See NEPAD, "Objectives, Standards, Criteria And Indicators For The African Peer Review Mechanism", NEPAD/HSGIC - 03 - 2003/APRM/Guideline/OSCI, 9 March 2003.
2Economic Commission for Africa, "The African Peer Review(APR) Mechanism-Some Frequently Asked Questions", October 2002,p.5.
3Sanusha Naidu, "The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) in the Context of Responsiveness and Accountability",June 2004, http: //www.sarpn.org.za.
4International Peace Academy Report, "NEPAD: Africa Initiative, New Partnership?", 16 July 2002, p.4.
5Ross Herbert, "Peer Review: Who Owns the Process?", The Electronic Journal of Governance and Innovation, South Afriam Institute of International Affairs, October 2003, p. 1.
6"NEPAD's Political Peer Review Sows Confusion", October 29, 2002, http: //www. comtexnews.com.
7"Mbeki hat.ks Pahad on NEPAD peer review mechanism", October 30, 2002, http. //www.sabcnews.com.
8"Mbeki clarifies peer review muddle", October 31, 2002, http://www. iafrica.com.
9Malachia Mathoho,"An Mfican Peer Review Mechanism: a panacea for Afics's governance challenges?", http: //www.cps.org.za/execsumm/polbrief29.pdf.
10Colm Allan and Zohra Dawood, "Compliance, Conditionalities and the Role of Independent Monitoring in file Implementation of NEPAD", June 2002, http: //www.sarpn.org.za.