
西方儿童个性结构研究进展 被引量:7

The Later Development of Studies on Personality Structures of Western Children
摘要 近年来 ,在儿童个性结构研究领域 ,基于成人研究基础上建立起来的大五因素受到一定的挑战 ,此外该研究领域在研究方法方面也取得了一些进展。该文从新近西方儿童的个性结构理论研究、儿童个性结构研究采用的同伴提名法、以及个性结构问卷的跨文化应用等几方面来探讨西方儿童个性结构研究领域的进展 ,并提出未来研究的设想。 In recent years, in the field of personality structure theories for children, the Big-Five Factors which were dominant faced challenges. Furthermore, there were some other achievements in this field. This study summarized the recent development of personality structures of western children, a research method of peer nomination, and cross-cultural applications of personality questionnaires. Furthermore, some ideas were put forward.
作者 张野 杨丽珠
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2003年第2期12-14,19,共4页 Psychological Exploration
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题 (BBB0 10 4 6 7)
关键词 西方 儿童 个性结构 同伴提名法 跨文化 五因素模型 特质心理学 非言语问卷 western countries children personality structures peer nomination cross-culture
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