受荣格积极想象技术及其理论的启发 ,吸收了威尔斯 (H .G .Wells)、玛格丽特·洛温菲尔德 (MargaretLowenfeld)等人有关儿童游戏理论与操作之精要 ,多拉·卡尔夫 (DoraKallf)在 2 0世纪 6 0年代初创设了“沙盘游戏”理论。沙盘游戏作为一种有效而独特的挖掘人类潜意识的技术 ,在国外的发展非常成熟 ,应用十分广泛 ;而国内缺乏对该理论的引介与探讨 ,我们结合正在广州育才幼儿园所做的个案研究 ,概要介绍沙盘游戏的理论与操作 ,进而探索“沙盘游戏”在幼儿园教育实践中的具体应用。
Under the influence of Active Imagine Technology, Together with the Practice and key theories on Child's play made by H.G.Well and Margaret Lowenfeld, Dora Kallf Set up “sand play”theory in the 1920's. As a unique and working method to touch human's unconsciousness, “Sand play” has been used widely in practice abroad; but there is little introduction and research about it. We have taken the use of sand play in our individual study in certain kindergarten in Guangzhou, so we expect to precisely introduce the whole theory about sand play and explore the suitable use in the education to child.
Psychological Exploration