第二次世界大战时期建立的国际反法西斯同盟是美国外交活动的基本舞台 ,美国为此开展了广泛周密的同盟外交。从反法西斯同盟的成果来看 ,具有指导意义的是“无条件投降”原则的提出和战后国际政治组织——联合国的建立 ,由于美国在其中所发挥的特殊作用 。
The international anti fascist alliance, formed during WWⅡ, was the major diplomatic arena of the United States, for which America employed an extensive, meticulous and effective strategy of allying diplomacy. As far as the achievements of the anti fascist alliance are concerned, the raising of the “surrender at discretion” principle and the foundation of the U.N.(a postwar international political organization), thanks to USA's great role therein, are of decisive significance. Thus America's allying diplomacy during WWⅡ laid the solid foundation for its postwar status in the world.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)