阐述了内隐学习的概念 ,分析了内隐学习的心理学机理 ,根据内隐学习的特点 ,揭示了其与儿童运动技能学习间的关系 ,提出了儿童的运动技能学习过程中应注重内隐学习。分析认为 :1)内隐学习发生在儿童的运动技能学习时 ,学生有意注意之外 ,常被老师们所忽视的 ;2 )教师应在儿童的运动环境选择与营造方面考虑内隐学习因素 ;3)根据内隐学习特点 ,儿童体育教学过程中 ,不妨适当地扩大动作的幅度 ,加深儿童对运动技能的本体映象 ;4 )内隐学习实用于所有儿童 ;5 )由于内隐学习具有概括性 。
In this Article , the author propounds the concept of implicit learning , he analyzes the it's psychology mechanism . He thinks that we should pay more attention on this kind of learning according to the relationship between the characteristics and children's grasping of physical movement skills . Above all of these , the author gives some advice on how to fulfill it in our physical education for children .
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education